Anyone here?
Of course not. I started a blog. No one is here. I'm shouting into the abyss, except this abyss records everything and will one day cost me my job.
A blog huh? This looks terrible. This was a terrible idea. Should of kept my barely-literate posts to Facebook, where the only people reading then were a carefully vetted selection of people and my mum. Ah! And that's why I have a blog. Because of the awkwardness of having her pop up when 90% of my note content was jabs at my own sexual incompetence, which ranked as nearly as bad as my spelling and grammar.
And this colour scheme! Bleh! I'll fix that. Sometime.
Look, if by chance a random person stumbles upon this, check back here in a week or so. If it still looks like this, go back to whatever it was you were procrastinating with, and move on. If I've messed around enough, then well, I'll try to be funny here.
Bugger me. It looks like a building site here.
Oh..,this is going to be a very happy development in the online universe ;)