About Me

Well, I'm me. So there's that.

Oh god that sounded seriously pretentious. Anyway. Me. Shit. I'm useless about talking about me. Well, I guess I am dark haired male with glasses, rapidly approaching thirty, so hopefully the sheer novelty of this will keep you around.

On this blog I'm going to discussing all sorts that come to mind, but you'll likely get a mix of topical commentary (mostly British, because I am British, which explains all the strange spellings, so you've learnt another thing about me!) video games blathering and perhaps the occasional piece of poetry. But not often for the latter. Poetry's hard.

I originally started this blog because a couple of friends kept bugging me about my massive rants about random stuff - not to shut up, weirdly enough, but to keep going. So I started up this blog to start writing and keep at it with self-imposed deadlines, which I've mostly been keeping up with. Like any skill not used, I fear if I don't write my meagre skill will atrophy and die, it's just a pity that all I seem to write to obscenity riddled grammatically incorrect misspelled gibberish. I'm sorry for that, by the way. Incidenatally, I may occasionally post some of my older rants, which will be labelled From The Facebook Vault, or FTFV. They'll be slighted edited to snip out all my friends names and such, who will probably appreciate the plausible deniability.

I guess you could call me geeky, though one American I met at university told me I was a nerd, not a geek, and not to worry, as that was better. Somehow. I have no fucking clue. Admittedly, if I am geeky, don't expect fits of genius over here. I'm not that smart. I only offer nonsense.

Oh, and this blog design? I was going for easy on the eyes, let me know if that's not the case. I'm not sure why there's orange here, as I can't stand orange. I prefer green. Huh.

Oh! I'm strictly speaking a historian! I have a degree and everything in it! from a real university and everything! This reminds me - I should tell you a couple of things about my own set of bias. Because if I tell you ahead of time, you can more accurately judge my bullshit. I'm mostly centrist, and I really don't subscribe to any political philosophy because I'm uncomfortable with the notion an ideology can decide on something before the facts are out. I'm sort of 'If it works, it works' type. However, in practice, I guess I appear more leftie leaning in general because of some inherent dislike of the meaner aspects of the right wing. Which is odd because I actually done courses on Socialism and the like and seriously - read the Communist Manifesto. The first one. It's fucking hilarious, the way it deviates into bourgeoisie wife prostitution. Makes you wonder how it took off. In case any American's have wandered over here, my political leanings gets harder to describe - your entire politics is a step to the right of ours, so our Tories are your Democrats, and you Republicans are our... well, our nutjobs. But we love them so.

In summary, I don't like any politicians, but some of them I like even less.

Also we can't have a rational debate on the end of Mass Effect 3. It was awful and broke my heart and killed everything that was good and pure in the world. I'm sorry, but if I ever get on this subject around you, vehemently agree or just smile and nod and back out the room. It's for your own safety.

Anything else? Did I apologize about my misspellings and typos? Yes? Well, stick around, and I'll try to entertain and maybe even inform once in a while.

Oh, and below will be a sketch of me. I was meant to do a sketch with every post but Jesus that got complicated quick. Not yet, I'm still working on it. Don't let me forget about that, will you?

Oh! And my name's John.


This picture only took me four months to get round to uploading!

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