So we welcome in the new year... with
some old news.
Once again, the Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
(see, I do research!) has demanded that Britain hand over the
Falkland Islands. By this point, I think this is the third or forth
time in a year, but I could definitely be wrong, on account of
repeated demands all blurring together in one big ball of stupid
boring pomp.
![]() |
My feelings exactly, captain. |
And boring it is. If we break things
down into simplicity's sake, possession is nine tenths of the law and
our nation likes it's little windswept frozen rocks in the middle of
nowhere. Look at Gibraltar, for example. It reminds us of a time we
actually mattered. (And yes, I will be calling those islands the
Falklands for this article under that whole 'possession is ninth
tenths' thing, as if you're sitting on it and not currently
oppressing the hell outta it, it's yours to call what you damn want.
Anyway...) Who owned what and when breaks down to who's sitting on it
now. Kinda hard to move people outta their homes. I mean, do it
without their consent, and according to Deep Space Nine,
they'll turn into the Marquis.
Seeing the only tactic available
Kirchner is to annoy us into giving it up, that windswept frozen rock
is going to remain ours forever. I mean, they could try jumping
in with the Argentinian military, but... yeah... that doesn't sound
promising. For starters, their military is still using equipment from the 1970s,
and flared jeans don't cut shit next to the British army's newest
missiles that are so up to date they tweet obscenities to the troops
it's about to land on. Secondly, it's a fight my country would love.
None of this guerrilla tactics nonsense,
did-we-or-didn't-we-shoot-a-civilian-moral-quandary, nope! No murky
grey areas. You have a uniform, I have a uniform, you have a gun that
has a near equal chance of firing backwards as it does forwards, I
have a gun that fire eight hundred times a minute whilst uploading
photos to Instagram, let's do this. The British love of the underdog
does not extend when it is felt the underdog is acting like an royal
arse. When you think about it, last time this actually went nasty and
we had a real bloody war, they were invading an far-flung barely
registered province, and we kinda only responded as we had a deeply
unpopular Tory prime minister, desperately seeking a way to distract
the proles from a bad economy with a jingoistic war, while today in
charge we have... a deeply unpopular Tory prime minister...
desperately seeking a way to distract the proles from a bad economy
and OH DEAR.
In a show of colossal immaturity from
both sides, we exchanged public letters in newspapers. Kirchner
published hers in The Independent and The Guardian,
which guaranteed it would be read by no less than eight people. So
The Sun shot one back, and er...
look, The Sun? From the first line, you looked along the path
you were going to take, and perhaps you saw the far off lands of Tact
and Class glittering in the distance. It would have been nice to
proceed towards them at a brisk pace rather than doing your usual,
which was an abrupt one-eighty, leaping off the Cliffs of Stupidity
into the Sea of Embarrassment before impalement on the Rocks of Why
Would You Do That. 'Hands Off?' Seriously? Seriously. That's what you
went for. Just... just... ugh. Ugh. UGH. I ugh at you, good sir.
I don't even want to know how the first
draft of that turned out. The sheer weight of racist terms probably
broke the once-unfeeling computer into weeping.
But let's be all about the spirit of
fairness here. We're not all jingoistic heathens, champing at the bit
to give Argentina a bloody nose if they keep looking at the Falklands
funny. What I'm about to do, is propose a one hundred percent
guaranteed method for you, yes you Argentina, to get a hold of those
delicious delicious penguin-infested windswept frozen rocks.
The tabloids will call for my public
First of all, you keep demanding for
Britain to open negotiations about the dispute over the Falklands.
Now, that's fine, but we keep saying no, yet you keep doing repeating
the same demand without changing a beat. Sort of like a child trying
to wear down a parent with stamina because they don't yet get logic.
That is not a good tactic. So we've said, no, right? Now the thing
is, that's not entirely accurate. We've said not a general, blank,
'no negotiations,' but the much more open in wiggle-room, 'no
negotiations without the Falkland Islanders say so.' Those two
statements are completely fucking different. You're immediate
response to that said line should not have been to keep repeating
yourself and stamping your foot, but to get Davy Cameron to repeat
that, slowly, into a microphone, recording it carefully, before
running off cackling manically.
Yes, my plan allows for some maniacal
cackling. That's how you know it's gonna work.
The next step, I must admit, is pure
It involves hookers, booze, lots of
blank Argentina passports and several metric fucktonnes of cocaine,
heroin, and anything those darn kids are snorting, huffing, injecting
or ingesting these days.
Oh, yeah.
You take said things. You load them
into a cruise liner. You charge it into the Falkland Islands beaches.
You then jump out brandishing a megaphone, yelling, 'WHO LOVES
That's pretty much it. You pass booze
and pills out in a wave of good feelings. Don't have a drink good
sir? Have five! Have attractive women wander the pubs, going, 'Gosh,
you're really hot. Man, if it turned out you really liked Argentina,
I would starting humping your lap right the hell now,'
and, 'You know what really, really
turns me on? So much I just have to do some terribly dirty
things to whomever is closest? Telling me just how awesome Argentina
is.' A week or so later, after you're cleaning up the mess, running
low on booze and you're hastily burying the last OD'd hooker, tell
everyone that you'd love to come back, every month or so, but only,
gosh, just only, only if the damn paperwork wasn't so difficult. I
mean, you're technically British, we're Argentinian, it's the borders
paperwork, man. Ugh. It's a nightmare. It's like, forty pages of
contradictions in triplicate. This was a one off. Well. Unless. You
know. You were Argentinian. Then no forms. Then we'd be back every
month. Hell, this party? It would never end.
mean, come on. The Falklands is nothing but freezing wind and
penguins. They'll go for it. And once they'd signed the referendum in
your favour, you'd take that the Davy Cameron... who'd say no. Again.
But this time, with an island full of people going into withdrawal
desperate for their fix, Davy would lose his last moral standpoint,
and he'd cave eventually once everyone started tsking at him and
muttering. The sweet part is, once the referendum is in, you even
have to to follow through with these promises once they've voted.
Psst. Suckers.
'If it wasn't for those Argie bastards I could have two poached eggs, like an actual human being.'
Yeah. You've kinda screwed the pooch on this one. Well, you got one, maybe two months left before the referendum. Still might be doable if you hurry.
So there. I have done it. I have solved the Falklands dispute, or now, the Las Malvinas dispute. So now is time to embrace True Neutral, and now discuss how to break the peace.
Look, Davy Cameron. I don't like you. No one likes you. But. You want people to like you. You need people to like you. You want to be in charge without the Traitor King cluttering up your cabinet room. So. What you need to do is this:
Pick up your phone. Call President Kirchner. Sing into the phone in a high pitched voice, 'I've got Falklands, and you do noooo~oooot.' Do this at three in the morning local time. Do it whenever you get bored in cabinet meetings. Do this whilst in the quiet moments you're being chaffered places. Here is a selection of things to say:
'Want the Falklands? Well you can't have it. 'Cos it's mine.'
'God your country sucks. You know what doesn't suck? Penguins. Which I have. On the Falklands.'
'You know, if you had the nerve, your army could probably take the Falklands. But you won't, will you? Wuss.'
'Las Malvinas? More like Las Notyoursnas! Ha! Did you get it? No? Ah, don't worry about it. Ponder it on your retreat on the Falklands OH WAIT.'
Basically take your cue from the average decorum displayed by The Sun. But most importantly; deny doing this. Deny, deny, deny. Even when faced by evidence, deny. Claim you'd never do something so immature.
And when two months of childish taunting breaks their will and they attack, have the army repulse them and ride into a new term on a wave of patriotic glee.
That actually really could work, and I'd be responsible for a new term of Tory bullshit.
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