Sunday, 30 March 2014

Clegg vs Farage, the victor is stupidity

Recently, there was a debate about the EU from such pinnacles of wisdom of Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage. Afterwards, the general consensus is that Farage had done better. I would put forward an alternate view:

That the entire thing was utterly, moronically stupid.

I hate you both so much, for very different reasons.
I mean, fucking seriously - Nick Clegg, what the hell where you thinking? Did you just plain forget going in that the only reason you have that cushy job serving Davy boy tea whenever he pleases is that you wrangled your way onto the tv debate with him and Gordon Brown? In doing so putting your little party on equal terms with theirs? Great. That's why Labour and the Conservatives didn't bother showing: they didn't want UKIP to look like they have equal footing. You are a bloody fool, Traitor King.

Which is my second point. Nick Clegg. You reprobate. You do understand that no one trusts a single word you say, right? We, the voting electorate, learned that the hard way, thank you very much. I wouldn't trust you with a weather report. Fuck it, I could be walking down an ice-slick road at night, feel a great light and squealing of tires behind me, and if you were there screaming 'For God's sake get out the road you're going to be hit' I'd still continue on my way merrily. That's how much trust you've garnered. Just turning up doomed your side. 

I mean, I still have difficultly with the notion you are a Liberal Democrat. I honestly think there's some merit in the notion of you being some sort of Tory undercover operative. Let's face facts: You've dissuaded the youth from ever voting again, you've torpedoed electorate reform for the next fifty years, you've assisted in the buggering of the NHS , increased VAT and dropped tax increases and mansion taxes for millionaires. Now he's shooting supporting the EU in the kneecaps. If the Traitor King is still a real fecking Lib Dem he's creating a lot of confusion for future politics students trying to suss out Lid Dem ideology.

And then we get to the important bit: a debate is inherently pointless if one side has absolutely no intention of sticking to the facts. 

So Nigel Farage. This bit is mostly about you.

Nigel Farage is a piece of work alright. I'm trying to work out what he is - a liar or an idiot - though in fairness, those two options aren't mutually exclusive. So let's look at some of what he tried to peddle.

For starters his leaflet talked about we're under threat from 29 million Bulgarians and Romanians from turning up on our doorstep. This would be impressive, as there aren't actually that many Bulgarians and Romanians currently in existence. Then he claimed that 75% of all our laws are dictated to us from the EU. Ah. No. Figures are admittedly hard to estimate, but I've heard estimates more akin from 7%-15%, with some healthy wiggle room in how you determine law. Which, as you, my cleaver and handsome audience can tell me, is significantly different to 75%. He claimed that the EU costs us £55 million a day... which is sort of true. That's the gross amount, not including our rebate, VAT receipts, and beneficial trade, so bonus points for less of an outright falsehood and more of a true political doublespeak. Then is was onto how we're vulnerable to 485 million Europeans turning up on our doorstep and really. Fucking really. Wow. You cretin. You rabble-rousing cretin. That is never, ever, going to happen and he knows that. Oh, and he finished off by saying that in the EU, we can't govern ourselves.

In which I'd say Davy boy is doing a fine job fucking up our country all by himself. Remember a while ago I talked about us attempting to leap up USA's arse and bomb Syria? We didn't ask the EU diddily squat in that conversation, we'd of done it if we had to political will.

I'll pass on the whole 'EU has blood on it's hand over Ukraine' bit because quite frankly my head already hurt due to blatant stupidity.

I reckon that the Traitor King slipped in some information as a point of fairness, but seriously - he wasn't keeping up with Farage. Hmm. I better start working on a pithy nickname for him is he intends to keep cropping up in the news. I'll get back to you people with that.

And after all this - at best, misinformation - I'm not surprised snap polls suggested Farage did better. Lies are sexier than facts. That's the simple truth. He blustered and yelled, and that's great for looking cool. Even if he did look like a terribly boring man to be stuck in an elevator with.

I've started to wonder if there's any way to stop politicians from saying whatever they please regardless of fact. While every party fudges facts, this government has been particularly bad for it - for fuck's sake, we had a successful e-petition over IDS's wilful abuse of statistics, and that's not counting the stupidity of stuff like the unscientific badger cull, the nonsense of austerity, the insanity of the bedroom tax... or whatever bullshit they're peddling this week. I've heard the term 'anti-intellectual' banded around about the Tories, and if that means 'doing something in spite of the opposing facts because your made-up ideology says otherwise' then there might be some truth in that.

Perhaps every time a politician is caught saying something untrue someone should pull down their trousers and paddle their bottoms whilst a klaxon blares 'LIAR LIAR THAT SCUM IS A LIAR.' It'd be highly embarrassing, and thus might work, as long as it isn't Boris Johnson, who thrives on embarrassment.

Ideally the paddlers would be dressed like this, for maximum effect.
Sigh. At this rate, in a few years, we going to lose both Scotland and the EU. Huh.

I should take up alcoholism. It won't help, but I'd hurt less.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Book Review: Thraxas and the Ice Dragon

You know what I haven't done in a while? A book review. Coincidentally, what I'm reviewing has been on hiastus for a while, and now is coming back. So let us talk about Martin Scott's / Martin Millar's returning series of Thraxas, with his latest novel, Thraxas and the Ice Dragon.

In that I'll talk (or write) at you for a bit. There isn't really a back and forth here. Sorry.

Scroll to the bottom where I bitch about this cover!
So Thraxas was a series that I've been reading off and on in my early teens to late teens, often nicking the books from my dad. The titular character, Thraxas, is one of those typical British character we all love - utterly full of horrendous character flaws with buried potential and gems. He's overweight, a poor gambler, rude, liable to run his mouth, and a serious over-indulger of food and drink but he's got a solid moral core, a vicious experienced fighting style and won't abandon his clients. He's an admitted failed sorcerer, with just enough power to kinda justify the title on his office door: Sorcerorous Investigator. Thraxas lives in the city-state of Turai, a city of monarchy and Roman inspired politics, with drugs and crime running rampant in the streets and hostile humans and Orcs on every body. Sometimes I think of it like an independent medieval Bristol where the politicians wear togas, and are slightly less corrupt.

However, you'll only go Thraxas with a problem because his rates are cheap, you're hopelessly up to your neck in trouble and no one respectable will take you, and once again, his rates are very cheap. Over the course of the series he's tangled with many enemies, including returning villains such as Sarin the Merciless and Horm of The Dead, with assistance for ex-gladiator barbarian Makri (who only wears her chainmail bikini for tips as it's a really fucking stupid garment to fight in) and occasionally back up from a motley crew of sorcerers, retired barbarian's and criminals.

The Thraxas series has been on hiatus for a while in what I strongly suspect can be summarized as 'publisher shenanigans.' You know: series stopped abruptly, then re-surfaced later all self published on the Amazon store. Hmm. Yeah. Anyway, it was a real pity it stopped when it did - because after eight books of escalation, Thraxas under Siege ended with Thraxas dragging out Makri and Lisutaris, (head of the Sorceror's Guild) from Turai as it finally fell to the Orcs.

Yeah. That's where the series stopped. FOR SEVEN YEARS.

The. Utter. Hell?

And that's exactly where this latest book picks up again. It's good to be back.

Now Thraxas is in a brand new country, destitute and with two people who may have as low as status as can be. Samsarina is more rural and feudal than Turai, meaning that the political element is more complex than Turai's two party system. In terms of starting reputations, not only does Makri's Orc blood count against her, but Samsarina somehow finds ways to hold women in even less regard as Turai. And while Lisutaris is head of the Sorcerers Guild, Turai fell under her watch and Samsarina is home to her rival Lasat... whom didn't exactly lose to her on fair terms for head of the guild. And to top it off, Thraxas manages to insult everyone of any sort of political weight within his first introduction to them.

So the schemes get under way. First, they need to somehow convince those mortally offended people to back them with an army to re-take Turai. Second, they need Makri to win the current sword fighting championship to gain status for Lisutaris and more importantly enable them to raise much needed funds. Third, they need to investigate what the hell is up with said tournament as something seems suspicious. Third, they need to recover the stolen war machine plans before it's revealed that the trio are completely inept at everything. Forth, Thraxas gets involved in politics as he must investigate whether someone's lives is in danger. Fifth - supposing the forth is true - he's got to work out why and stop them.

All of this is the usual enjoyable clusterfuck of the typical Thraxas investigative procedure - but then you'll have to add in that Thraxas has to somehow cover up Lisutaris' crippling thaxis addiction and somehow find time for Makri to feed the baby ice dragon, and like that Thraxas's constant demands for ale seems more reasonable.

Also everyone of any importance hates their guts. Did I mention that?

I have to admit, while I am biased as fuck for this series, it was a blast to have it back. It came roaring back with amazing no drop off or ring rust for such a hiatus. Highlights include Thraxas actually having to cover up Lisutaris stoned out of her mind with a war meeting taking place, and when chrocichlly short of funds, Thraxas having to enter a pie eating competition. Yah. Readers of the series will know how much Thraxas can put away on a normal sitting, so the fun isn't whether he'll win - it  is the how he'll win. Another good point to this book is that we're finally visiting a place of Thraxas' past, and getting to see more of his character and seeing if his boasting meets reality. I'm also a sucker for moments when Thraxas winds down being a dolt for five minutes and acts like a genuine hope for humanity.

On characters, this book has a dearth of recurring characters compared to past books, because, duh, Turai fell, and the trio only just got out. While I miss this extended cast, it's made up by instead getting greater focus on Makri and Lisutaris, which is very welcome. Millar writes the two in very believable ways - like any decent writer, he knows how to play a flaw - and I enjoyed seeing Lisutaris behind the drugs and the assumed confidence. While we didn't get into Makri as much, we did get to see more of her interating with various members of society and her effect on them, including one memorable scene of Lisutaris worrying that Makri may have inadvertantly crushed the self-esteem of every women in the bathhouse.

The villains have a good lot to them - not only do the assorted barons get to scheme and be insulted by everything Thraxas can do, but Lasat is a good choice of villain in that he sort of isn't one. He feels he'd be better than Lisutaris, he was cheated out of the head of the guild, and now it's his time - but he's a bit of a prick and they need someone from Turai to head the army back, so back of the line with you! Where you can scheme in peace. Damn it.

This book makes me feel like Thraxas never left, and with news that there's a tenth novel on the way makes me eager to see what's next. I don't know how much of Thraxas is left in Millar - should they take back Turai, that's a hell of world changer (as was it's sacking) but this book showing Thraxas tackle bigger things makes me feel like there's plenty of life left. If any one my frantic gushing has interested you, please check out where you'll find more info and purchasing details. And as Thraxas is on the Kindle store, you'll find it pretty cheap. Thraxas and the Ice Dragon is only available on e-book, but you can find paperbacks out and about of the previous books of the series.

Cover rant: I loved the old art on the covers, and here we have a Makri who's pale, (not reddish) purple haired (not dark) and holding a katana skittishly (KATANA? SHE HOLDS A BITCHING SWORD AND AXE AND WILL FUCKING KILL YOU.) I would bitch about the chainmail bikini, as she doesn't like fighting in it, but she has done so in the past and the old covers had her wearing it so... meh.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

(Title TBC)

There's totally a post here. I'm not suffering from a combination of laziness, illness, and lack of caring.



Sunday, 16 March 2014

The one where I put forward the idea of selling out my integrity for a relatively small amount of money

I need a suggestion box or something, because interesting things don't seem to happen enough that I have a fresh subject to talk about each week. That is, unless you count the missing plane that's big new right about now, though I don't have anything to contribute to that. I mean, I could do a grossly classless article on conspiracy theories about what happened to the plane, featuring such gems as alien abductions or implying that everyone on board is faking their deaths for the insurance money (real charming for those family members left behind) but I'm not a nationally syndicated newspaper so I'll pass.

Also I have some semblance of having a fucking soul rattling around inside me which prevents me from doing something so heinous for click-bait.

Instead we've only got the whole Cabinet ministers are approving gigantic pay rises to their special advisers, whilst the NHS gets pay flatlines. Again.

Can we just cut the crap and have Davy boy stop faffing around and simply admit that his whole government policy is 'hand outs to my mates, fuck you everyone else'? At this point, I'd respect him more for just stating it. Of course, that'd make him unelectable (I say that like it's a bad thing) but it concerns me just how little we as a nation seem to be able to pick up on this.

Perhaps I should stop bitching and whining and just join 'em. Okay. How are these people qualified? Let's look. Well, they're temporary civil servants and wow - those pay rises have got to piss the actual Civil Service off - so let's look at Edward Llewellyn. He's on £140,000 (up 12% from a mere £125,000) Well, he was employed as an aide to some important people, then stepped into being Chief of Staff. Hmm. Perhaps that is beyond me, considering that suggests he has to wander around and make sure the Tory backbenchers aren't getting up to anything crazy. And quite frankly if that's his actual job I apologise for my dismissal of him, and he deserves every penny for that cavalcade of insanity his job exposes him to.

Actually, reading the Wikipedia page suggests a combination of doorman and manager. Oh. Apology rescinded then. Anyway... okay. I could do that. I could patiently listen to someone drone on about why they have to see Davy boy for about two minutes, get bored, demand they sum up their whole point in ten words or less, and if unconvincing, that's what's the big red button labelled 'Police Brutality' is for. And I could totally manage staff. That's also what's the big red button labelled 'Police Brutality' is for. And I'll work considerably cheaper than Edward! If Davy boy pays me over £50K a year (well under a MPs salary, mind) I'll even refuse people entrance who's ten words or less summary why they want to see the Prime Minister is 'to punch Davy boy right in the fucking face.'

Now Philippa Stroud, special adviser to Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions dude, I'd have a harder time replacing. She's currently on £94,000, up 36%! from £69,250. Wow. I once mentioned I'd kill for 11%, I have no idea what I'd do for 36%. Well, apart from damage my country irreparably by advising important people poorly, that is. Philippa has an extensive background in poverty-fighting stuff (that's fighting poverty, not fighting poor people, it's important to distinguish the two, I know) but she also has repeatedly failed to get elected so that's something we have in common. Well, she's at least tried, but look, the end result's the same. Also, I am poor, and hiring me on half her wage would make me not-poor, so there's my poverty fighting background right there! I'd use my advising position to advocate free class-A high risk drugs and activities to the elderly, hopefully accelerating the process of them not being around to claim for those costly pensions.

Now remember Maurice, the best time to pull the zip chute is when you can individually make out the pedestrians. And no, I'm not giving your glasses back.
Look, I'm not evil.

I'm just blue-sky thinking, here.

Huh! Huh! Yeah, see, I got this advising shit down. I will PR speak the his-nouse all the way up! Or down! Whichever way synergies better!

Okay. Who's next I can replace as the cheaper alternative? Okay, next in line is Nick Timothy. He's assisting the home secretary, so that's police and crime and immigrants and stuff. He's the bargain of the lot, only at £74,000, up 14% from £65,000, which wouldn't do - he was earning less then an elected MP, at that point. Poor man. He has a background in politics, insurance and research, and I sort of have the same background. I did a few courses in politics at uni, I have insurance in things, and I'm a great researcher owing that my degree is in History, which is all about research. Of all the people I've mentioned, clearly I'm the most qualified to fill this guy's shoes.

I recommend great things about immigration, like sneaking in foreign workers by the truck load to benefit the economy whilst pinning it on someone else so they can take the fall. I mean, even our grr-grr approach this last year failed utterly, so at least I'd have a reason why I failed utterly, or rather how that guy! That guy right over there! It's his fault! Yeah! Get him!

See? I have this politicking thing down.
I'd expand our current nuisance laws to 'People Just Pissing Me Off,' and make sure that this is worded only apply to benefit me and my mates, and if anyone complains about 'freedom of speech' and blah blah 'freedom of association' whine whine 'freedom to not have my head kicked in for criticising the government' will find themselves on the business end of the big red button labelled 'Police Brutality.'

The way forward is simple. No more will I criticise bad government policy or hypocrisy. No, for a vastly cheaper rate then what they currently employ, I will assist it's creation and implementation. I'd sell you all out for a little bit of money. I mean, seriously Davy boy, G Ozzy has said it himself: we have to make deep, brutal cuts to everything, especially public services for "reasons", and I'm way cheaper then what they have! And I'll take smaller pay rises! You two have been singing it to the rafters about how poor we all are - well, time to make do, and rake in that spare cash! They've practically got to hire me. They'v put their guns to their own fucking heads, now it's time to pull the trigger.

And for the record, having a semblance of a fucking soul is very different to actually having one. So there.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Turning down the adblocker

I am a child of the internet. I don't even own a television - my Xbox 360 is wired up to my monitor, and being in 2014 and not owning a tv whilst being in my twenties really confuses the tv license people. The only tv I watch is via online services like iPlayer and 4 on Demand, which has the wonderful consequence that I'm the only person at work who has no idea what the latest reality / "celebrity" tv thing is. Singing, dancing, locked in a cupboard - I don't give a shit, I'm over here, replaying Tomb Raider whilst Firefly or perhaps the latest review from Angry Joe plays on the second monitor. I've watched so much of Chip Cheezum's Let's Plays whilst sick, I associate stomach aches with Metal Gear.

Now adblocking is becoming a thing. Or rather, a thing that is starting to upset content creators on the internet.I remember a couple of content creators have been vocal of the subject, either asking people politely to whitelist them or a couple of them acquainting having an adblock as stealing. Blip on the other hand did a adlblocker blocker thing for a while, which went down as well as could be expected.

It went about this well.
I have seen the Adblocker people produce a promo asking for money, with the end result being a 'ad free internet.' And the more I think about it, and ad free internet is kinda a stupid idea.

Honesty spot - I don't have ads on this blog. I'm not making a statement or anything, it's just that I've never seen the point with my blog view's being, kinda, well, low. Don't worry. It just means I love few people who turn up even more. I've got a target in mind that once I reach, I may consider putting some ads on. If that ever happens, they'll be unobtrusive as possible because suddenly cramming ads down my audiences' throat in a douche manoeuvre. However, considering that I don't take this blog seriously, it's not like I'm ever going to make it big enough. So, everyone cool on my stance on ads?

I mean, an ad free internet would likely see the end of a lot of the content I consume regularly. Most people who I watch do so as their full time jobs, and they are funded through advertising. The only other way to fund these people is for me to personally open my damn wallet.Sure, there's different ways to go about it; Kickstarter, Patreon or a subscription model, but it always involves you opening your wallet. And let's face it, that's not happening for everyone. If I believe I don't earn nearly enough to personally fund a bunch of people, I can see a lot of people following suit. No joke, I'm under the poverty line, here.

Between opening my wallet and perhaps watching some ads, I know which side I'm one. Of course, the adblocker is the third option, that requires no sacrifice on my part, and I've done so for quite a while. But recently, I've come to question if this is the best path. Sooner or later, if everyone adblocks, and no one wil pay, then I could see some people who I watch regularly online move away from producing content and finding other, regular work.

So for a bit, for all the people whose content I consume, I'm turning down the adblocker and whitelisting a lot.

I'm not getting rid of it though. I said turn down, not off.

Because let's face it, an adblocker it kinda important on today's internet. There are a lot of bullshit ads out there, from pop-ups, auto-playing ads, ads longer then 45 seconds and those fucking bullshit "You're about to leave this page" pop up wank-stains ads. Rargh! There's a reason adblocking is so prevalent: because so much of internet advertising is utter garbage. I remember when the ads were sorta relevant - now 99% are malware ridden click whores.

Because that's where the issue lies. If there is a war between the users and the ads, the ads fired first. And they quickly moved from annoyance, to lies, and then to the fucking criminal. I've been known to be asked to set up some people's computers for them, especially if they're not to sure about this new-fangled internet stuff. So you strip out the bloatware, then add a bunch of useful stuff - the sort of stuf you explain that if something goes wrong in a month and those programmes aren't here because "they were stopping me getting on that site I liked," there will be hell to pay. Programmes like Spybot, Avast, Malwarebytes, CCleaner, and yes, your adblocker of choice. Because less tech savvy people like click on the click bait ads and infect there on computers, and this is something we all face.

I mean, I use two different browsers. One for watching material of certain saucier content, if you understand my meaning, and one for social media, AND NEVER THE TWO SHALL MEET. Ever since certain sites decided to to include sharing buttons, having a browser where I'm not automatically logged Facebook and Twitter where I'm one errant click away from severe embarrassment is a lifesaver. And that browser is keeping it's adblocker on, because yeah, those ads are going to be the most malware ridden of the lot.

Right now it's a test to see if the internet is worth my valuable attention. Besides, it's not like some ads are legitimately avoidable whilst funding the creator - my keyboard has this big, fat, mute button sitting right there. I don't have to look at it or hear it, it only has to play.

So far my experiment hasn't negatively impacted me to any measurable degree, bar a single site that has earned itself a spot on the second browser permanently due to ads violating my rules.

I'd advise trying it out, if only once. There's a lot of content creator's out there that'd appreciate your views, and if it doesn't work out, turn the blocker back on again to kickass mode. That's fine. You tried, and the ads can be pretty obnoxious. The system of views of ads to pay content creators isn't perfect, and the development of more unscrupulous ads means that you should look after yourself first. But if you're a fan of someone who does good honest work, who's site doesn't mess you around? Give them a shot, and whitelist.

Enjoy your internet the way you want to.

Sunday, 9 March 2014


Nothing I write makes a damn bit of sense. Okay, in fairness, little on this blog does, but today nothing I write can even make sense to me. Bleh.



We all know the drill now, yes? Post soon, double posts next week, etc.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Ukraine vs Russia, once more I solve all the problems

The more think about the escalating situation in Ukraine, the more one course of action seems necessary to avoid World War 3 ramping up.

And that solution is simple. Ukraine.

You gotta have a threesome.

Once again, movies provides all the answers
It's clear to everybody that double dating Russia and the EU has broken down, the secret's out and they're both getting rather jealous of the other. Trying to go exclusive with Russia, something your head wanted but not the heart, has failed. Unfortunately, Russia's the possessive type, and now has decided to not loan you out the cash you sorely needed, and threatened to break all your shit if he ever saw you sniffing around the EU again.

So the clearly logical conclusion is to get you, the EU and Russia in bed together and just fuck your tensions out. As long as no same-sex stuff happens that might freak Russia out (in fact, just call anything butt related off limits to be on the safe side) you might be able to finish up without the Cold War re-igniting.

Though, uh, the Cold War was named as it wasn't 'hot,' ie: the main combatants only fighting through proxies, and if America strictly speaking ins't involved in any way... then it is the two main guys slugging it out, so it's a Hot Wat, only it has greater ramifications so it's like the fuck it. Cold War. Bored now. It'll do. Whatever.

Though a second idea may be to turn around and say, 'Pfft, fuck it, Russia, you win, you're in charge now.' I mean, it's not exactly what many people in Ukraine seem to want, but on the other hand, this scenario is one that secretly Russia may not want to win. Let's face it, Ukraine has some serious debt and history of mis-management. Whoever wins is going to have to pay out some big bucks, bigger if they've been merrily blowing chunks out the infrastructure and dear lord I hope it doesn't come down to that. Which Russia really can't afford to pay, because while they could have a bake sale involving old Soviet weaponry, I'm sure between them already doing that multiple times in the past and corrupt officers and criminals doing that themselves they don't have a lot of the proverbial change in the proverbial sofa.

Let's face it, when Yanukovych surfaced in Russia they weren't exactly thrilled by this turn of events. Russia will happily host Snowden forever in exchange for no more than the lulz of making America look like dicks, but ol' Yanukovych managed to be so incompetent he lost himself his own country. Russia isn't exactly thrilled to be hosting him. Besides, Snowden looks so lightweight he's bound to be making little headway with the free vodka his hosts offer, unlike Yanukovych who looks like he could drink Russia out of house and home.

Better to get all bullish, which they're doing now, get the EU nice and committed... and quickly pull out, and leave them with the check as Russia slips out the bathroom window in the back. Or you could get more bullish, more strict, move more troops around and into Ukraine... and Obama will look so damn stupid that the next election America will be champing at the bit to vote in a real Republican that hates him some commie bastards and is desperate to do the Cold War right this time.

Now that I think about it, if there's any chance that America's higher ups actually believe that gay sexual activities cause bad weather then this new Cold War may see the start of weaponised homosexuality. Onboard a rainbow B-52 circling Russia, a mass gay orgy is responsible or bringing the wrath of nature on America's enemies.

Like this, but even more fabulous.
Perhaps we should think further out of the box. After all, Russia already has troops and vehicles stationed around Ukraine's borders and in Crimea. Truly now is the time for blue sky thinking. Well, we know that Russia wants to keep their influence in Ukraine, especially as in Crimea Russia has ports that don't freeze over in the winter. So. How about a timeshare? Monday to Wednesday, Russia runs Ukraine, Thursday to Saturday, let Ukraine decide their own destiny. Sunday can be decided via ping pong competion or if one side has an unfair advantage in ping pong athletes, there's an even fifty two weeks in a year. That'll divide with no worries.

Now hasn't this post been a serious of hilarious images that have completely diminished the horror that it looks like all out war between Russia and Ukraine is about to break out? Huh! Huh! Yeaaaaah?


Damn it.