Thursday, 4 October 2012

I'm not weird, I'm norma... no, actually, hmm. Yeah.

Well it's a new week and what better time to talk about some new politics and to hell with that. Let's switch subjects to one that's very dear to my heart: me. I'm super important. Also amusing. Maybe not to everyone else, but my unique brands of stupidity does tickle my own funny bone, which is good, because laughter suppresses the pain of the open bleeding wounds my stupidity often results in.

Incidentally, still no pictures. I know. If getting a programme to function correctly was akin to a wrestling match, GIMP would have me face down sucking mat as it jumps up and down on my spine. Useless piece of junk. You do get what you pay for!

So anyway, recently I had a moment of clarity. That little moment of clarity when you realize that not only do you in truth, regardless of denial, have a hobby, but a hobby so strong it turned into an obsession a while back. An obsession that also is by wider society standards, a wee bit unusual. Okay, maybe not a very small moment of clarity, but a highly efficient one.

It all started in a fairly mundane fashion. I had neglected to pay any attention during laundry and now my faithful battered penknife had ended up in the wash. No damage, but it definitely needed an oiling and a bit of maintenance. Figuring at the time that hey, whilst I've got the polishes out, let's have a go over the weapon collection.

So I have a weapon collection. Or I thought I did. It turns out I have a weapon arsenal. Sweet lord, I could equip a couple small armies here and pit them together to fight for my own amusement. I could overthrow a poorly supplied country. I had so many there's no physical way I could ever child-proof this place.

Somewhere down the line, as my sofa disappeared under a growing pile of machetes, warhammers, axes and swords, I realized I had unwittingly become That Guy. You know the one. When the news flashes up about a horrible crime and as they lead a suspect away, jumper hastily thrown over his face, a newscaster breathlessly reports that they found in this freak loner's house twenty-seven flails, thirteen katanas, six shotguns and three pistols with ivory grips and you'll think 'Fuck me, he's a nutter, he's guilty of whatever the media's making a big deal of this week.' I am one girlfriend walking out of my crazy and I am That Guy. It worries me.

And it's her damn fault. I know when this started. We'd taken a trip out and I spied in the window of a military surplus shop a ninjato. Now, I don't really like ninjatos as the historian in me (that strictly speaking, he's in me as I am one) sighs and rolls his eyes because they have no historical lineage; they're a fake weapon made up about ninjas that was all pretty much made up in the '80s. But it was sharp and pointy and looked seriously menacing. And the conversation in my head went thus:

Logic. Oh hell nawh. No. No. Noooo. You'll have your own fingers off in seconds.
Logic. Seconds, I say. Why do you even need a sword?
Historian: And that one? Contemporary sources make clear that far from...
Frugality: May I put in here?
Logic: Please. Make him see sense.
Frugality: It's actually very cheap, and a glance over suggests surprisingly well built and durable. I don't think we could go wrong here.
Logic: Wha...?
Historian: Grudgingly I must add it's a full tang at least, not liable to snap off at the hilt whilst chopping of aforementioned fingers.

At this point I turned to my girlfriend and said, 'I want to buy that,' knowing full well she'll tell me to stop acting like a man-child and do something productive with my worthless life. That's one of the many benefits of being part of a couple: the ability to out-source rational decisions. But then she told me it looked cool and that was a great idea and...

Logic: Oh for fuck's sake. She's enabled him now.
Libido: She said it was cool! Get them all and maybe somehow somewhy it'll lead to sex inexplicably!
Logic: Dear god...

… we get to today where I have to stash a bunch of the nastier weapons under the bed out of a very sensible precaution to not arm any burglars with my best equipment. Where today I have to keep very up to date with the Dangerous Weapons Act to make sure nothing I own falls afoul of it. Where today I have to look up specialized targets as crossbows have such a greater penetration factor than arrows that no local archery club will allow their usage. Where today I'm still with my wonderful girlfriend who occasionally has to put up with me unfairly and arbitrarily assigning blame where it does not belong.

I remember a comedian back in the day saying something along the lines of 'the internet is the only place I know of where you ask for goat porn and it asks you back, “What sort of goat?”' It's the same thing with these dangerous weapons cluttering up the apartment. They have rules. No display pieces; always battle ready. No katanas; they were so over-hyped in the 90s / 00s I could not give less of a fuck. Short weapons only; sooner or later I know I will be tempted to experimentally swing one around when left alone and I do not want to have to explain why we've suddenly gained holes in the wall. And like all good obsessions, these rules are iffy at the edges. Sure, I won't get display pieces. But other people do and weeeeell, they're display pieces. They must be displayed! Sure short weapons only. Also his longsword. And a keep looking at this traditional two-handed Scottish claymore... But no katanas. Fuck that.

So I sat there, and time slipped away as each and every weapon got a good looking over. Check handle for damage. Check metals for rust. Use wire wool and brushes on any found. Polish and oil metals and leather. Check over sheathe. Re sheathe weapon. Place down and grab the next. Repeat. Again. And again. And again. All the while lamenting to myself that yes, in a shuffling-style zombie apocalypse scenario I may be the most well armed person in fifty miles, in actual reality this sheer amount of stop actually makes me rather weird. And someone that society would not entirely unfairly rather have an eye or two kept on.

But you don't need to worry about me. I could argue as a sane, upstanding member of this little club we call society that I'm no threat, but please. Let me argue pragmatics here. I spend a whole evening going over weapons that quite clearly I have no idea how to use that were stored properly and have never, ever been used or tested. A whole damn evening, and that was them in prime condition. If I did want to actually use them, that evening would turn into a whole damn week. I'm a lazy idiot with a collection he can't operate properly. Believe me. You're safe from me.

Besides, I'm way overdue to trip and impale myself on one of these things anyway.

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