Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Political suicide - we can only hope

So this week we go striding past politics straight into controversy! Yay!

So Jeremy Hunt is back in the news again. For those not in the know, he's the UK's Health Minister. With his track record of success, we can confidently predict the death of nearly every person in the UK by 2015. Which is one way to attempt to solve our unemployment figures, I guess. Anyway, he's back in the news for wanting to reduce the time available for abortions from 24 weeks to 12 weeks.

Now, you know you've entered crazy land when even the tabloids don't follow you, and they hate women. If they're not slut-shaming, publishing nip-slips or vomiting in disgust over a woman putting on a half pound (the fat heaving bitch!) they're betraying their own women journos. Anyone remember that woman who women hated because she was so beautiful -which was interesting because her publisher took great delight in picking the worst photo they could find of her before throwing her under the bus. Of course, most are calling for the reduction of abortion time limits because of... I dunno? Sluts? Misrepresenting scientific evidence? Whatever.

This whole debate to me is, in a word, odd. Odder still that Jeremy, bless his cotton socks, claims this 12 weeks is backed by scientific evidence. Huh. You see, what made me write about this subject today is that I remember a little while ago (okay, fine 4 years ago, but I still remember it) our parliament was debating changing parts of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, and one part specifically was the abortion time limit. Now the reason we have it currently set at 24 weeks is based on survival rates. In a nutshell, babies born before 24 weeks have such a small rate of survival as to be deemed statistically insignificant. In May 2008, it was debated whether this should be changed as since the Bill's original creation back in 1990 infant survival rates before 24 weeks had increased. Now here's the important point: yes, there was an increase, but once again, a statistically insignificant one. Oh, and deep joy, every tabloid focused on the word 'increase' rather than the prerequisite 'insignificant.' So it strikes me, if back in 2008 we had many, many, MANY qualified medical professionals telling MPs that survival rates were crap all before 24 weeks and that should be the limit, did medical science explode forward since then? Have we had an utter revolution of medicine that has completely passed me by? Please tell me we invented super power serum. Ah, no. No real change. So Jeremy Hunt is, once again, speaking out of his arse. It begs the question: is he an idiot, or deliberately masquerading his personal view as a 'scientific' one?

Look, this is very simply about publicly stating an opinion on abortion. If you want to, there are two questions to answer. First, determine if you have a medical opinion or a personal one. So...

Are you a medical professional?

If yes, you are allowed have a medical opinion on abortion. Congratulations! That view is enforced by peer-reviewed science, and is subject to change according to improvements in technology, treatment and medicine.

But what if you don't have a medical qualification, but have a personal view? Well, next question to ask yourself is...

Do you (or have you ever had) a uterus?

If yes, go nuts. Say what you want. I ain't stepping to that.

(Unless, you know, you're trying to restrict other women's access to one should they need it, like Nadine Dorries, you heartless shit of a human being. I mean, have your own opinion, but have the right one. Which is mine. Uh. Wait.)

If you don't have a uterus, well congratulations fuckwit! You, along with me, have no opinion! Nope! Not one! What you get is a pre-approved one I have right there somewhere... where is it... ah, here it is:

In my opinion a woman has the right to choose and have the ability to receive an abortion in an appropriate medical facility when required according to law.”

And. That. Is. It. Basically, no uterus, no fucking opinion. I am aware this actually renders this whole article moot according to my own logic but some people need to listen. This simple rule keeps the J-Hunt away (unless he keeps a uterus in his desk like Jack the bloody Ripper) and also handily keeps the Catholic church at bay as well; which has shown time and time again it has no fucking business butting in on this topic. If you must have an opinion, keep it the fuck to yourself. I ain't even capable of getting an abortion, so where would I get off assuming I have the right to tell women to only use their bodies as I command? With no medical qualification?

Look, I get that this is a hot button topic. At the end of the day I am not going to discuss whether it's ending a life or not here; it's my blog, and I'll cowardly duck out of subjects I don't think I could adequately express myself on. I will say that no woman who ever opts for an abortion is unaware of that debate. If you seriously think many women enter in to this with a light heart, I'm sorry, but you have to do some major re-evaluating of your life. And this 24 week limit? It's not the end all – abortions can happen beyond that limit if the continuation of the pregnancy holds serious risk to the mother. And if you actually think that the death of both mother and foetus is a better result than an abortion then... then there are no words. No. I don't understand you. I don't want to.

I wrote this article now because of a question I'm not getting an answer to: Why is this shit still coming up? Seriously. It has been nuts recently. This crap. Legitimate rape bullshit. Women called sluts for campaigning for birth control to be available on insurance. It's... it's... are we getting worse? I know that society is not a linear progression towards awesome but, wow, does it seem like we're sliding back on women here. Since racism isn't cool any more we switched to misogyny instead? Or are we noticing this shit more when before we didn't question it? Are we seeing the last members of a generation of men who believe they have the right to dictate their beliefs to others?

For the most part, I'm not massively worried about Hunt suddenly slashing time limits. Davy Cameron doesn't agree with him, which is usually a good indication of a Tory MP gone too crazy (or is Boris Johnson, or both.) BUT. He has voted to reduce the time limit to 20 weeks – once again, I repeat, with no medical backing, so it's not a great indication that it'll stick. I mean, sure, you may have your own feelings about this topic, but it worries me when people decide that their feelings have more weight than all the opinions of the people in the British Medical Association, the British Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and finally the British Medical Journal because it seems to me that they'd know better.

Just a hunch.

Now excuse me. I've just read what I've written and I must go hide, because quite frankly the anti-choice side terrifies me, and I fear for my safety.


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